Need help: Classe CA101 or 151?

My speaker can handle max 125W, and I think that the CA101 is good enough. However, when I talked to the dealer, he said that the CA151 is sound better than the CA101 in term of dynamic, bass...So, my question is: do these amps have same circuitry (except for the power)? Is the 151 better than the 101 like the dealer told me? Is it a better way if I go with 151 (price different is $400)? Thank for your help TL
Both of these amplifiers are designed around the same circuitry. I am very suspicious of any dealer that sells this way,and I would think long and hard about becoming a client. You haven't indicated what speakers you are going to mate an amp with,although Classe make outstanding amps,there are other choices you might want to consider.
Having a listen in your system is your best answer. If the dealer is acceptable to it (which any good reputable dealer should be), you should be able to take both models home (a deposit of some amount may be required to do this) and compare for yourself. Then you decide if the 151 is worth the extra $400 in your system or not.