Need help choosing between Jolida and Peachtree

I am somewhat of a newbie to this forum and have been impressed by the quality of perspectives provided. So here's the question.

I am trying to decide between a Jolida 202 and a Peachtree Nova 125. I have always had solid state but have always wanted tube (it's always been a question of dollars). Wondering what everyone's thoughts are. Things I like about the Jolida besides the sound is that it is tube preamp and amp and its simplicity. I like the Peachtree for the built in DAC and flexibility.

I'm wondering what you think about where the most tubelike quality is "gained", in the amp or preamp. All insights will be helpful. If you think there is something significantly better in an integrated amp for $1,000 let me know (although I have researched many others).

I am also minorly trying to take into account resale for what I may want to switch out in a couple years.


Showing 1 response by reynolds853

You said that you like the Jolida for the sound, and the Peachtree for the built in DAC and flexibility. Based on that I would get the Jolida because for me it's about the sound first and foremost. Secondly, I would not want the DAC to be built in so that I would have the flexibility to get whichever DAC worked best with the rest of my system, room acoustics, and preference in music.