Need help choosing a Sub that will work well.....

I'm new to the audiophile world so I value your opinions and assistance.

My system is comprised of a Bryston 4B-ST, Plenius CD-LAD, and Rega Planet 2000, Energy Veritas 2.3 Speakers, Cardas Cross IC's, Cardas Cross Speaker Cables.

I would like to add a Sub that will work well with these components. Can you offer some suggestions?

Thanks in Advance
I have the Veritas 2.3's. My sub is an M&K MX-125 MKII. Mu room is 14x16 and this sub has no problem matching the Veritas. It really compliments the Veritas, making them sound larger than they really are.
Check out my thread titled "What subwoofer can i use with my speakers?" it might be of some help.
Hi Bill
I have not heard the Veritas line but currently have a set of B&W asw 2000 for sale which work well with my 805s 6"2 way for HT or music applacations. I am moving to a smaller location and dont have the space for 2 12" units . Check out audio review .com for lots of good reviews .
REL subs work well with almost everything. Vandersteen makes a nice musical sub. At the budget end of the market, look at Hsu Research.