Need Help Calculating System Amp Draw

Hi, I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place but I thought I'd try.

I know this is kind of a newbie question but I'm having trouble calculating the amp draw of my system. I'm running a recording rig and it's hard to tell what some of the gear is pulling. I know Amps are Watts/Volts but I'm confused about what actual wattage is being used (for example, my DAW has a power supply of 850W but the company that made the computer for me says that the way I'm using it, it's probably only pulling 500-600W). Some of the gear, like my monitors, say 230W on the back, but then online it says 90W, so I'm wondering if it's the same kind of thing where the power supply is higher than what's actually being used. I'm looking to add some hardware and don't want to overload the circuit.

Here's what I have, any help appreciated! Thank you.

Microphone Power Supply - 8.4W / 120V = 0.07 Amps

Lavry Black AD11 - 14W / 120V = .116 Amps

Mytek 192 ADC - I can't find any info but I'm guessing similar to the Lavry AD

Lavry DA10 - 0.1 Amps ?
    Voltage 90-264 VAC, Frequency 40-63Hz, Current 0.1A
    Fuse Rating 2.5A “Time Delay”

Computer - 850W Power Supply, probably just using up to 600W / 120V = 5 Amps

Lights - added up all the lightbulbs, it's about 0.75 Amps

KRK VXT6 Monitors - says 230W on the back? which would be 1.9 Amps each. The internet also says 120W and 90W in different places, so I'm confused.

Great River Preamp - says the fuse is 0.75A, not sure if that means it's using that much?

TV - says 1.8A on the back.

I'm wanting to add a compressor and a few additional preamps but it's only a 15A circuit.




Will lightning jump a circuit breaker...

It jumps miles to get to the ground, so yes it will jump a circuit breaker. 

Get all this crap off your audio power circuit.

And if your computer is really using 600 watts, that will really heat up the room.

And what’s the compressor for? Doing motorcycle maintenance in your man cave?

Finally, there are a lot of wrong answers in this thread. Listen to Erik.

Edit to add: I currently have the following equipment powered by my PS Audio PP10

1. Tube amp

2. DAC

3. Streamer

4. CD Transport

5. A total of 6 linear power supplies that supply my DAC, upscaler, Roon Core, and Ethernet switch.

My Powerplant tells me the instantaneous power draw is 231W. Actual use is never close to nameplate value. If it is, something breaks soon.



It's a music production system, not an audiophile listen-to-music system, although I use it for that too. I find approaching it like an audiophile system yields better monitoring and recording quality. The compressor is a vocal chain compressor. Compresses the audio, very common in vocal chains. ;)

Not sure what other "crap" you'd be referring to, it's quite streamlined for a music production system. But thank you for the the tips, sounds like I should have a lot of headroom with the power. I will review Erik's posts. 😎

@imhififan thank you I will check this out. The kill a watt meter looks a little simpler to use than the other one recommended.

@acar83   Hope you weren't offended.  My message was meant to give you a hard time.  You did see that the actual load is much less than calculated load.  Erik also recommends measuring.