Need feedback on loudspeakers

Hello All,
I have been researching a lot about loudspeakers lately - their measurements including sensitivity, impedance, phase, etc to make sure that they match in my system. Also had a chance to listen to a couple, but yet undecided, since I am not able to listen to all of the ones I have shortlisted below. I have a very short list of criteria for the speakers:

Sensitivity more than 88db
Nominal impedance 8 ohms and minimum not dipping below 3.5 ohms
Go down to about 27-30Hz
Price range is about $7k new/used

The loudspeakers that I have short listed are:
Spendor D7
PSB Imagine T3
ProAc D30
PMC Twenty 24
Tannoy Definition DC10T
Revel F208
Focal 1038 (used)

Could also consider the following, but not sure if they would match in my system because of their nominal 4 ohms impedance:
Sonus Faber Olympica III (used)
ProAc D40R (used)
Audio Physic Scorpio 25 (used)
PMC Twenty 26 (used, but has low sensitivity)

I love speakers that have the sound image starting about 2-3 feet behind the speaker front face, throw a wide image and disappear completely. That is what my current speakers do. My room is 15 X 18 X 8 and the speakers are placed very precisely (5feet from back wall and 3 feet from side walls) to achieve this imaging. I have a few panels to tame the sound in the room. My amp is Parasound A21 and I have an excellent Promitheus TVC. Current sources are able to effectively drive the amp and the speakers, without any issues.
I have listened to PSB Imagine T3 and Audio Physic Classic 20, and found that they image per my liking.
I know I have listed too many speakers. But would love to hear from owners of these brands on the "vocal characteristic" of the loudspeakers, now that I have provided a brief explanation of my preferences. There is no denying that the best way to seek a set of speakers is to audition in person. But sometimes this is not possible. Please provide your feedback, as much as you can. Thank You in advance!

Showing 4 responses by paraneer

Unless your listening room is in an auditorium, may I ask why you are concerned about speakers of 4 ohm nominal impedance when you have a Parasound A21?  It puts out 400 wpc RMS into 4 ohms. 

I drive 4 ohm Vienna Acoustics with my Marantz Reference PM15S2 that only puts out 140 wpc into 4 ohms without any issues.  The volume makes me back of the knob long before the amp ever gets warm.  Or even remotely gets close to clipping.

On your first list, I have heard the Spendor D7 and PSB Imagine T3 and both were very impressive.  On your second list, I have heard the SF Olympica III's and would suggest you seek out an audition.  You'll have no problems driving them.

I would give a nod to the Spendors I heard but in all fairness, they were driven by ARC electronics. Full bodied sound but very accurate too.

The PSB T3’s I recently heard at Axpona and driven by NAD gear. Very nice too but I preferred the Spendors.

I liked the Olympics III’s best of all. Driven by a 200 wpc McIntosh in my audition. Very powerful speaker and sounds much larger than it looks. Again, I encourage you to give them a listen.

How would you describe the sound of the Spendors compared to the PSB?

To me, I preferred the Spendors over the PSB's - they sounded more full bodied yet the slight upper bass coloration I did hear did not affect their accuracy.  Very resolving speaker.  I also was at a dealer where I had more control over the music played and they were driven with electronics more to my liking.  The PSB's were heard in a suite at Axpona with NAD gear that I also think was digital.

About the Olympicas, I have read a number of threads that stated they do not go a deep. For the price that one pays for these loudspeakers, I would hope they would go much deeper. They are rated as 40Hz and that is what my current speakers rated. I am sure the quality of Sonus 40Hz is much better than my loudspeaker 40Hz. I will try to audition them.

Another more controlled audition at a dealer, with my own music and ss electronics.  I found no faults with the bass and I thought the Olympica III's were rated to 35 Hz?  Sure sounded like they were to me.  And yes being a true 3 way, even 40 Hz bass from these would sound quite different crossed over to a dedicated midrange driver.  They impressed me the most but unfortunately out of my price range

But this is a classic case of why one must hear all speakers on their short list if possible.  We all hear and perceive what we hear differently.  And preferably we can hear these speakers in our own home with our own electronics.  There are simply too many variables when heard at a dealer or a show.  But even these types of auditions are better than none at all.  Good luck to you in your search.

Your feedback on PSB vs Spendor is much appreciated. I am surprised that the Spendor sounded more full bodied than the PSB, since the PSBs have more drivers
.The electronics used and my own music that I brought with me for the demo will make a difference.  You may arrive at an entirely different conclusion.  Good luck and keep us posted with your findings.