Need DAC Ideas

Some of you have heard many different DACs and can help me
put together the best possible line up of DACs from $1.8 to $3.9k.

In order for the comparison to be of maximum value I need to hear
only from those who have had some direct comparison experience.

There are probably 30 companies offering a product in this range. 
I am looking for musicality and value as opposed to say the last word
in accuracy.

Some Possibles:

1. Line Magnetic  $2.2
2. Audio Mirror Tubadour 3 $1.9 
3. Denafrips Pontus $1.8
4. Holo Audio  Spring 3 $2.8
5. Doge 7 $2.3
6. Wired for Sound 2V2  $2.5.
7. Audio Note (kit) 4.1X $3.8
8. Lampizator Amber $3.5 
9. Schiit Yggy $2.5

Once the top 8-10 are identified and gathered there will be an
opportunity for anyone interested to sit in on the comparison. 

Please respond with your brand experience.
JJSS in particular.

Thank you


Showing 1 response by grinnell