Need cable advice tome reduces mids

I have a new (used) SS amp/preamp, fully balanced. This combo produces too much midrange energy for my tastes. I like everything else about it, it has very good soundstage, imaging, dynamics, bass is solid and highs are smooth and clear. It’s just that the mids are too irritating for me.

I’m using Canare Star Quad XLR interconnects from the DAC to Pre and again from Pre to Amp. Are there any interconnects that diminish the midrange without doing harm to any other areas of the sound? Or would speaker cables make a bigger difference?

I already switched my speaker cables from Furez (FZ144AS) 14ga 4 connector copper cables to the only other cables I had in the house: Supra Classic 4.0 tinned copper. It helped a little bit, made the whole presentation a touch clearer and more balanced.

I thought about getting the new Schiit EQ as a last resort, but I don’t want to open a different can of worms. I’m hoping cables might get me there.

I guess I’ve always been a cheapskate when it comes to cables, usually using plain copper stuff and doing my own terminations. But I know there are a lot of you with way more cable experience than I have and could steer me in the right direction. Don’ t want to spend more than $500.


Showing 3 responses by soix

Would be helpful to know what equipment is in your system. That said, sounds like you might benefit from trying some silver interconnects, but they tend to be above what you’re looking to spend. BUT, I recently discovered LavriCable out of Latvia and they’re selling 5N silver interconnects at more than reasonable prices that might help tighten up your midrange situation. I’ve got their Reference XLR interconnects and they’re excellent — detailed yet natural sounding and no bloat anywhere but still with very good tonality. Their 1m Reference costs $154 per pair and the Ultimate that employs 40% more silver wire goes for $234 per pair. I’d go for the Ultimate if you can swing it. Several others here have since tried LavriCables and everyone so far has been pretty thrilled with the improvements they’ve brought to their systems. Just one under-the-radar option to explore, and best of luck in taming your midrange issue.

Wire is not a tone control!

@jasonbourne52 and I do not see eye to eye on much, but in this particular case I agree.  Especially because your issue seems relatively so pronounced it’s better to attack it at the source, which is why several of us have asked about what’s in the rest of your system.  So, what’s in the rest of your system?

How far are your speakers pulled our from the front wall, and how much do you have them toed in?  Sometimes changing upstream equipment necessitates changing speaker placement to account for the different voicing of the new gear.  Hey, at least it’s free to try!