Need amp suggestions for Hedlund Horns....

A few months ago, I heard a Cary 300b amp hooked up to some small monitors and was blown away... so the itch to upgrade started.

I just bought used a pair of Hedlund horns... came with it (free) was a diy homemade tube amp that does not sound adequate (based on what I heard these horns can do).

I’m in the market for a used amp that would be the ideal match for these Hedlunds. From what I read, I have several options such as 300b, 2A3, etc. but what would you recommend?  I've never had a low-power SET amp before.  

My room is 25’x 30’ with vaulted ceilings (large enough), wood floors, fairly open. I listen to everything from classic jazz, horns, classical, vocals, and the occasional rock. I would love to have some volume to feel the energy and texture of the song.


Showing 10 responses by bradf

The following input is not based on knowledge of your particular speaker, but instead, reference to amps specifically designed for single driver and / or high efficiency designs.  In my opinion, all the company's listed below offer highly recognized, very good value, entry level amps, and higher end products; you will find many associated reviews on line. This is by no means an all inclusive list, just those that come to mind.
Good luck, hope you get many years of enjoyment from your new speakers.

Coincident Technologies


Sophia Electric (In Virgina)


Don Garber Fi

Triode Corporation

Triode Lab

Finale Audio

I came across these following "6 Moons" reviews on Yamamoto 300B and 45 SET amps in my digital library. They include some pretty good detail of build quality and higher grade components. Should provoke some thought and give you something to contemplate.
Hi, ramoneo14
Your original question stated that you wanted suggestions for a good amp. Is this the case, and if so what pre-amp do you have or plan to get, or are you looking for an integrated amp?
Also did you come too realize that $1000.00 may not be able to obtain you the amp/preamp/integrated your seeking and you have since increased your budget to $2K.
Knowing the above would help in making more accurate suggestions with regard to possible candidates.
Another suggestion would be to research audio clubs/organizations in your area; there may be members willing to share or demonstrate there amps/integrated for you, there by taking some of the guess work out if for you.

The following is not a recommendation, but rather an integrated found while searching for an good quality 2A3  at approx. $1,000.00

I think Charles 1 dad, jond, gwalt, powder1, and the other members addressing this issue, are more exposed , educated, and familiar with the SET variety then I am, or ever hope to be.
They would have much better advice then I would be able to provide you regarding this integrated.
charles 1 dad
I would have to agree with you on both topics; but as you point out,  the overall better choice would be to opt for the 2A3 Signature.
By the way, you have brought a lot of info to this discussion which I have found beneficial / educational. Thanks
charles 1 dad

What pre-amp are you using with your Coincident Monos (BTW, nice choice). or pre-amp recommendation for the Frankenstein 300B
I due subscribe to AS, I think they had a review on referenced pre-amp either last June or July.  Due to some paint projects in the home, I have some magazines , including that issue packed away. When the opportunity presents itself, I will make it a point to see what the review has to say.
Thanks for the info.

Thanks for the info, at this point in time, I think if  I decide in the future to opt for a Coincident amp, it would only make sense to me to pair it with there pre-amp for the best senergy.
If some time in the future I decide to assemble an SET system, the 300B mono's would be a primary consideration.

BTW I did view your system photos, WOW.  Besides all the superb components you have, your listening area is probably one of the better ones I have seen. I think it would be a valid hypothesis to conclude how accurate your components and room reproduce music. I am sure it's very enjoyable.
Since your considering a passive pre-amp, you may find the following link on the Lightspeed Attenuator interesting and a preamp to consider.