Decide on what cartridge you will you first and then match a phono stage to the cartridge's requirements. Doing it this way has the potential of lowering your cost by eliminating phono functions that you don't need. You'll want to match the gain and impedance between the cartridge and the phono stage. I believe BAT makes an internal phono board(s) that will plug into your preamp. Alternatively, there are any number of outboard phono stages starting out $150 up to your budget limit. Just be sure to include the cost of additional interconnects, power cords and isolation devices as part of the outboard stage's cost.
Need advice with a phono stage for my BAT VK-50...
I need a phone stage for my BAT pre-amp, the VK-50. I've never had a phono stage for this pre-amp and I have a few questions. (Please excuse my total lack of sophistication with this subject.)
My turntable is a VPI HW-19, MK 3. I don't want to spend alot on this, up to $1000 maximum and preowned is fine. I don't collect vinyl anymore but I do have about 100 records (Dad, what's a record?) that I'd like to play. My questions:
1) What's a decent p/s to purchase that would pair well with these components?
2) Does this have to be installed into the pre-amp, or is it a separate component that merely requires interconnects?
3) What other questions should I be asking?
Thanks for your help.
My turntable is a VPI HW-19, MK 3. I don't want to spend alot on this, up to $1000 maximum and preowned is fine. I don't collect vinyl anymore but I do have about 100 records (Dad, what's a record?) that I'd like to play. My questions:
1) What's a decent p/s to purchase that would pair well with these components?
2) Does this have to be installed into the pre-amp, or is it a separate component that merely requires interconnects?
3) What other questions should I be asking?
Thanks for your help.