Need advice on what to look for in a turntable - budget $6K to $10K

I am getting into this hobby and am now focused on a proper turntable to support my new amp and speakers (Voxative 211 Integrated and 9.87 speakers).  I also bought a new Parasound JC3+ phono stage.  While at RMAF this year I did listen to the Fern & Roby turntable and was very impressed.  It sounded awesome with the Voxativ equipment.  That being said, it would be $8K+ and I thought I should learn a little more about what to look for in a turntable and ask the community for alternatives.  Thank you in advance.
Hanss T-60 if you can find a good deal or the Hanss T-30. I have had my T-60 for 6 years now with no problems, sounds great, capable of 2 tonearms. You better have a good back and a buddy to help you since the platter is 44 lbs and the table is close to 150 lbs. 3 of the Absolute Sound reviews of the Newport show this year rated the Cost No Object room  the Lotus Group room that used the Hanss T-60 as the source. IMO, this competes with tables many times it's price.
I'll be the first to admit--I only have hands-on experience with a few turntables, and I've directly heard several more including SMEs, an AMG, Ayre/DPS, and a few others.

But based on what I've read, I'd give a serious look at the Merrill-Williams R.E.A.L. 101.2 turntable. It starts at $6400 w/o tonearm, but when you add an armboard and tonearm plus record weight and perimeter ring, you can hit $10K. So it spans your entire budget range depending on how you trick it out.

When the first version came out (around 2007) it was a Stereophile Class A turntable. That's quite an accomplishment considering what Class A turntables typically run. Reviews extol this turntable's low noise floor, linearity, exceptional speed consistency, and leading edge transients, not usually the strongest points for many belt drive turntables. 

I'm not saying to buy it, but it it were me, I wouldn't commit the cash until I checked one out. Looks really promising.
I have a clear audio ovation table ($6k) and a koetsu phono cartirige ($2.5k). Amazing sound through audio research reference electronics. Highly recommend this set up.
I just listened to a Feichert woodpecker with Cadenza bronze at the local Audio House dealer in denver. Dave was super nice and informative.   Amazing how much better an album sounds on a quality TT.  

I'm going to listen to a clearaudio ovation with Cardenza gold and make my decision. 

Blue water, thanks for your input on the ovation. Has anyone heard the ovation and woodpecker back to back?  I would love to hear you impressions. 

Given your now higher turntable budget I have some revised recommendations:

$17,000 AMG Viella 12 (includes a great tonearm) 
$10,000+ Garrard 301/401 with Woodsong or Artisan Fidelity plinth plus tonearm

I would put either of these on a Vibraplane or Minus K base. I own a Benz Micro LPS mr and I think it is an excellent cartridge. Another cartridge consideration is the EMT line. A great match with the Aesthetix Rhea ( I also own a Rhea)

I have heard the Woodpecker and would take an AMG or the Garrard instead.
Get a turntable that isolates any vibration, frequency and oscillation from the outside you have a turntable that doesn't color or tweak the sound. And then get a cartridge whose sound you like. Everybody has different ears. So use your ears as guide, not others'. If you want to experiment and have fun, or just want to spend money :), just buy another cartridge. Enjoy and all the best
The AMG table is endgame if you like a non suspended table
with a world class arm.

If you prefer suspended, I think it's equivalent would be the Oracle
Delphi MK VI 2nd Gen with either an Oracle/SME V tonearm
or a Graham arm.
In your budget you can get a Brinkmann Bardo. I cannot recommend highly enough. German engineering at its finest.