Need advice: Hegel V10 phono stage and Sumiko Blue No.2

Hello, first post here, love the community.

I need a little help. 

Finally purchased an actual pre-amp for my turntable, and running into a snag. I have a Pro-Ject 2 Experience Classic turntable with a Sumiko Blue Point No.2 cartridge. This is a MC cartridge, but as I understand it, it's a "high output" cartridge and should be treated like a MM. 

I connected it to my Hegel V10 phono stage via the MM input but left the default DIP switch settings (for MM). Sounds great, but not as much gain as I would have expected. 

Does anyone have experience with this particular issue? Should I change the DIP switch settings for the V10 to match more of a MC cartridge (i.e., change the impedance , capacitance, or increase gain, etc)?

My local HiFi store guy didn't know. Any help would be immensely appreciated. Thank you!





Hegel H190 amp

Hegel V10 phono stage

Pro-Ject 2 Experience Classic, Blue Point No.2 cartridge

Red River balanced XLR cables (b/w V10 and H190)

Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers





Well, relative to the output of many MM cartridges 2.5mV is not high. Some MM carts will double that voltage, thus providing 6dB more gain. 

What capacitance settings are available? I believe the Blue Point requires a low setting for this.

@yogiboy Gave you the information that you are looking for, all you need to do is change the gain to a higher setting and 47K load. With a moving coil capacitance is a non factor!

In the case of moving-coil cartridges, their coil inductance is so much lower than their moving-magnet counterparts that capacitance will have little effect on the frequency response unless grossly excessive capacitance is added - the circuit would be not so prone to resonance because of the low inductance of the cartridge.

Thanks everyone, this is very helpful. Just learning here, and I appreciate the input! Will make those changes and update the post with the results. 

HI Denvercx, Keen to know the final setting you ended up with. Just received Hegel V10 and need to experiment too. Same cartridge - Blue Point 2. Thanks. 

JB - how did it go? I have been so busy (yes, I know), that I haven't experimented yet on this. Would love to know if you've done this already and have good results. Thanks!
