need advice for budget preamp for Rega p3-24...

Seeking advice regarding a budget (under $400, really; used or new) phono preamp for the following basic set-up:
Rega p3-24 turntable
Linn Classik integrated amp or Cambridge Audio 650 amp
Vienna Acoustics speakers (have Mozart Grand, and Haydn Grand)
audioquest cables

for analog-time, I'm all about acoustic jazz, esp piano and drums, and also some 70s rock. Play at lower volume.

I'm looking at, I guess:
Rega fono mini
Rega fono (non-mini; next step up)
Bellari v 129-30
Cambridge Audio 540p or 640p
and what else, in this meager price range?

I'd LOVE to have a $1000 or $4000 phono preamp, but that is not in the budget whatsoever and as a teacher, I don't get bonuses. Basically I want smoothness, warmth, soundstage, and darkness (duh).

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I just (meaning JUST) scored a new Cambridge 640P and even without much break-in it sounds VERY good...quiet and clear as a bell (Akito/AT440mla). I needed a rumble filter also and that feature narrowed my cheap phono-pre search to the 640P and a Bellari...2 Bellari sellers here BOTH flaked (dude...if you sell it take it off the site!) on me so afte more research I went with the 640p...and I'm glad!
Not a bad idea ALL the phono preamps from Audio Advisor and audition them for 30 days. You could generate pages of reviews and become an instantly esteemed member of the opinionista. 640P update: This is a GREAT piece of gear that sounds even better after 2 days of warmup.