Need a new preamp - child destroyed Proceed AVP


I'm in the market for a new preamp for my system. Amplification is provided by two balanced Hafler 220s running in mono and a Hafler DH500 for rear channels. I wouldn't mind being able to run home theater though it but it's not a prerequisite. I was considering the Proceed AVP2 but realize its very old and without HDMI. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'd be happy to provide more info if needed.

Thanks for the input. It's been a long time since I've been up on available tech, so I'm sure my fluency in the area has degraded. My apologies.
I'm debating whether I'm going to use the unit for home theater or keep it simple and just for audio. I'd like to be able to use phono, tape and CD/BD at a minimum. I have a nice self-powered sub but haven't seen many non-home theater systems with a sub out.

What's your budget? Since that's going to largely dictate what your options are, that's probably the best place to start. Once I know that, I can make some recommendations for you.

Take care,

I'd say <$3000 is the neighborhood in which I'm currently searching, unless cost/benefit makes something beyond that worth considering.
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Thinking wrongly and that you were after something older, my fault for misreading.

Not "new" but $3000 can get you a Anthem statement D2V prepro just short of the latest 4K