Need a Basic Education on the LP12

I have a Linn LP12, but have not used it much lately (or ever, really) since my preamp does not have a phono stage (Audio Research LS7). I recently purchased a Creek OBH-8 phono preamp and would like to start using the Linn more. However, I need an education, I believe. What different power supplies, bearings, and suspensions are there? Is there any differences between any of the tables themselves other than the wood? I have the Basik Tonearm and Cartridge. If I am going to upgrade the unit at all, which upgrades would make the most improvement? (i.e. tonearm)


Showing 2 responses by whknopp0713

Upgrades in order of importance, weighted by cost, in my opinion: Lingo power supply, Ittok or Akito arm (Ekos too expensive), Linto phono preamp, Klyde or used Arkiv cartridge(Akiva too expensive, and Arkiv rebuilds at the factory are a good deal), Circus bearing, and a good setup. One thing that's nice about the LP12 is that you can build the table up over time from pretty good to killer. My next upgrade will be the new(er) silver tonearm cable, then a Linto, and I'm done, probably forever.
Timwat -- ouch. Truth hurts.

That cartridge sounds like a K9, which used to come on the Basik as a package. I would go next to an Akito/Klyde in your position, t. The Creek can hold it's own until you can take a big step to something like the Linto.