Need a Basic Education on the LP12

I have a Linn LP12, but have not used it much lately (or ever, really) since my preamp does not have a phono stage (Audio Research LS7). I recently purchased a Creek OBH-8 phono preamp and would like to start using the Linn more. However, I need an education, I believe. What different power supplies, bearings, and suspensions are there? Is there any differences between any of the tables themselves other than the wood? I have the Basik Tonearm and Cartridge. If I am going to upgrade the unit at all, which upgrades would make the most improvement? (i.e. tonearm)


Showing 1 response by daveyf

Todd,I used to have a Basik Plus arm.Replaced it with a WTA arm. BTW there is a good write up of Well Tempered in the current Absolute Sound. This was an ear opening experience. The WTA is in a completely different league to the Basik Plus. I AB'ed it against an Ittok and it blew that away also. Far superior definition in the bottom end and far greater extension at both frequency extremes.Occasionally you can find a used WTA on A'Gon.I highly recommend this arm as the best upgrade for the buck.