Need 20 - 25 foot spk cables.

Having to move a pair of Sound Lab M2's to a new position in the home.  Problem is that the equi rack has to stay where it is.  So I will need 20 - 25 foot cables.  Real high end will be above my pay grade.  I had used in the past real honest to goodness, belden coax in 10 foot runs.  Roger Sanders had used this years ago with his speakers and ESL amp.  I have a ESL amp and to be honest for many years the coax sounded pretty good, but I'm sure I could do better for a long run.  Any comments appriciated.

Showing 2 responses by stereo5

You don’t need twisted cables. I use 25 foot speaker cables that go under the floor through the basement and then back up to the speakers.  They are not twisted and it is fine.  My system is dead quiet.  I have been using these cables for 10+ years
The OP needs a pair of 25 foot cables.  That is a 26 foot roll and the last one they have.