Neat Momentum SX5i or Rega RX5

My Tube Amp: Line Magnetic 211ia EL34 integrated Tube Amp
I am considering the following two speakers...Any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated:
Neat Momentum SX5i for $6,300
Rega RX5 for $3,000
These were both recommendations from Whetstone Audio in Austin Tx. I want to get a second opinion.
If you feel like I should consider another speaker for this particular tube amp please speak up. I am open to suggestions.
Thank you for your help.

I recently got a pair of  Rega RX1's and I am very impressed! They are my first Rega speakers and they are competitive with any speakers I have heard around their $1295. list price. If you get a chance give them a listen and I think you will be very surprised. They are very nice looking as well.
Do you have audition the Neat Momentum SX5i with the Line magnetic lm211ia ?  i have the same amp and i am interested to you opinion . 
I use Spendor S3/5 with my LM 211IA, and the sound is very nice in my modest sized room (I have a set of Quad 11L Classics which also work well).  I suspect that larger Spendor models would be compatible, and worth a listen if it can be arranged.
I still haven't pulled the trigger.
The owner here at Whetstone (Austin) is suggesting the three below.
any feedback from the group is much appreciated.

Harbeth HL5+

DeVore Fidelity 0/93

Neat Momentum SX5i