
Responses from stu13gpx

Neat Momentum SX5i or Rega RX5
Wow. Thanks. I'll have to look these speakers up. I've never heard of them but I'm very new to this hobby/passion.where is the best place to buy these being that I'm in Austin tx? 
Neat Momentum SX5i or Rega RX5
Yes. He had my tube amp there. It sounded great but DeVore 96 sounded the best by far. Truth be told, my wife said the DeVore is out because it's "ugly" she thinks the Neats are much better looking. Unfortuately she does get a say in my decision ;... 
Neat Momentum SX5i or Rega RX5
Just went in to auditing them and the DeVore 96 was the best but $12k for the pair. I can't decide. The Neat sounded great but I agree with the clinical sound to some extent.i haven't pulled the trigger yet 
Neat Momentum SX5i or Rega RX5
I still haven't pulled the trigger.The owner here at Whetstone (Austin) is suggesting the three below.any feedback from the group is much appreciated.Harbeth HL5+DeVore Fidelity 0/93Neat Momentum SX5i 
Neat Momentum SX5i or Rega RX5
Thank you for your response Matt.I can't seem to find a lot of press on the Neat speakers but I will go listen to them like you suggested. 
Speaker Pairing to Tube amp (Please help)
Would you select the Rega speakers over the Neat speakers?They are double the money. Are they that much better? I don't mind paying for quality but I want to be able to justify the price difference.