Nearfield Low-Level Listening : New Speakers or EQ? Thoughts?

In my main rig, I listen nearfield at low levels, and I do not feel the music sounds fully engaging until moderate-to-loud volumes. Have been told my speakers, Totem Forest Signature, "need power to sing". I have ordered a Schiit Loki Max EQ; wondering if that will do the trick or do I need to consider new speakers? I use the Loudness/Comp feature on my integrated amp, it helps some. Listen to 70s, Jazz, Americana, ...

My System:

  • Accuphase E-380 Integrated
    • 180 watts into 4 ohms and 120 watts into 8 ohms.
    • High damping factor of 500.
  • Totem Forest Signature Speakers
    • Impedance: 8 ohms (6.4 ohms minimum)
    • Sensitivity: 87 dB
    • Recommended Power: 50 - 225 watts
  • Rose HiFi RS-150B Streamer/DAC
  • Thorens 1601 TT, Schiit Skol Pre, Nagoaka Cart
  • REL Classic 98 Subwoofer, Speakon connection
  • XLR Connections, Bi-Wired Speakers
  • Shunyata Power Conditioner



Showing 2 responses by jastralfu

How low are low levels?  I listen somewhat near field at around 50-60 db and get very good results from my Fritz Rev 7s.  Not sure how loudly you listen but 50-60 is about the level of a normal conversation.  I have a 5 band equalizer on my integrated that works very well for this type of listening environment.  I still get very good soundstage and imaging.  They do open up more with more power but they are very satisfying late night at 50-60db.