Nearfield listening

Does anyone use large speakers for nearfield listening? I read a lot about monitors for nearfield, but I use large speakers with good results.

Showing 1 response by jeffkonicek

I had the opportunity to hear the Harbeth M40s at a true nearfield, (about three feet away, and 5 feet apart) in an acoustically treated room. Matching REL Stadium 111's, tube amplification, state of the art turntable ( sorry, I don't recollect more specifics ). Let me just say it was a transformative aural experience. As big as they were, when I closed my eyes those M40s just disappeared! I could almost reach out and touch the musicians as they played. Startlingly real 3D sound stage. I never knew what can be achieved with really high end equipment in a prepared environment. But my listening and my goals in approaching my sonic ideal are forever changed. I may never get there at home on my budget, but at least I now know what to aim for. As we can all tell by reading the great information available at A-gon, there are many different ways to get to our own musical Nirvana. The fun is in the quest. And I surely will try to get to that Promised Land.Thanks to A-gon for providing this great forum.