I purchased from a single seller a used pair of N803's, a pair of SCMS's and a ASW 825 subwoofer a few years ago. They were beautiful speakers. The N803's were represented to me as a pair of B&W N803s. All of my pre purchase research was based of the N803s representation. They were offered for a very resonable price and good terms. I accepted the sellers offer and trusted his representation. This was my first high end sysyem and I bought a MC207 prior from the same seller. I did not know of that there was a difference between the N and the s. Then I saw a thread where someone asked the same question as you after I had the system for a couple weeks. I looked at the model # in the location the previous poster on this this thread said. To my surprise I had the N803 and not the N803s. I did some searching of the previous correspondence with the seller leading up to the sale and without a doubt saw the written representation of the "s". Then I started looking for the differences bewtween the two models. I saw that there was definetely a opinioned difference between the two models. The bottom line was, my deal was not as good as I thought it was from the financial aspect but I loved how the "N"'s looked and the sound was very good to my ears. I later sold the system and represented the speakers properly and tried something different. Just make sure you get what you think you are getting. More my bad then anything. Watch for the difference between plural form of "a pair 803's" and a pair of 803s". Because they look exactly alike. My SCM's were the "s" model.