Nature Sounds CD's

this might seem like a strange question, but i'm looking for well recorded 'nature' cd's... rain storms, song birds, etc. i have bought a few and the sonic quality has been lacking.

any recommendations?

many thanks,

Showing 3 responses by synthfreek

Why not something like:
Brian Eno-Neroli
Steve Roach-Structures Of Silence or any in his Immersion series
Just to be clear with my post. These are ambient electronic music albums and NOT nature sounds. Neroli has been used to calm women in labor just before childbirth and Steve Roach is just the most prolific ambient musician of our time. His album I mentioned has been voted over and over as the best album for Yoga meditation.
Although not particularly relaxing I think Chris Watson (of Cabaret Voltaire fame) does some EXTREMELY well recorded field recordings. He's held in the highest regard. His album Weather Report has three 15-20 minute sections...14 hours in Kenya's Masai Mara, a Scottish valley using recordings over a four month period & a ride through an Icelandic glacier aboard a creaking wooden boat. He puts you right there in the thick of it all.