Natural, musical, dynamic phono preamp 700 used

Hello fellow analog enthusiasts. In my quest for a better phono preamp I must ask everyone this question -

If given $500-$700 to spend on a phono preamp which can run moving magnet and moving coil (or just moving coil) which would you choose?

Must be:

Tonally accurate

Not Dark or clinical/cold sounding

Replacing a Grado phono preamp which is ok, but I think I can do better and it can't do mc anyway.

Possible Contenders -

-Modded PS Audio GCPH (stock form was awful sounding imo, so the modded unit would be a leap of faith but heard they were good)

-Dynavector P75 MK2

-Sim Audio Moon 110LP (amps are too cool for me but heard their phono stage was decent)

-Used EAR 834P (getting on in age so not sure about this one)

Probably more I am not aware of, hence the reason for the thread.

Thanks and Peace

Showing 5 responses by winoguy17

MM only , but this thing is a steal. $400. shipped,nicely built and sounds great.
So Jeremy, you've actually heard this piece, or you dismiss it out of hand because you are "afraid"? How do you know the other gear is " way beyond " it if you have'nt heard any of them? BTW, where do you think Jolida is made, Chicago?
Well, I've learned my lesson, never try to offer help to an elitist know-it-all.Just in case you've been asleep the last 10 years,quite a bit of everything is now made in China.As for the "cheap DIY looking" piece I referenced for you, it is very well built and nice looking to boot. It also sounds great and is well within the price point you mentioned. Sorry for trying to help.
Peace to you too Einstein,maybe look into some reading comprehension classes when youre done shopping. I'm hardly "over the top" or overly " defensive" of Chinese products, my issue is with your elitist attitude. I would venture a guess that a very large group of people on this site own at least one component manufactured in the far east, and were just made aware (by you) that they merely posess "ebay hi-fi". Way to make friends,jerk.
Wow, just wow. Does your mommy know your on the computer this late? I'll just stand by my prior post, invest some time in reading comprehension. Bye.