NAT Symmetrical + Merrill Veritas

Recently acquired a pr of Merrill's Veritas monoblocks and thoroughly enjoying the sonic improvements they have brought.  However, don't seem to have great synergy with my existing Simaudio Moon P-5 preamp - a bit too solid state sounding, IMHO.  Was strongly considering the NAT Symmetrical as a tube compliment to the Veritas.  Has anyone had any experience with this pairing?  

Curious if you were ever able to audition this preamp, and if so, what you thought?

Thanks, Mitch2.  Yes, a bit tricky trying to find an NAT audition piece, as I know of only two distributors/dealers in the States, and doubtful they'd be willing to do so.  It is for the same comparative sonic traits you mention that I felt the combo might go well together.    

Have you experimented with audio grade fuses and wall outlets. They certainly have a significant effect on a system's sound.

David Pritchard
The NAT Symmetrical had a nice tone and a fair amount of bloom in my system.  The Acoustic Imagery Atsahs were tonally dense with hard-hitting but had highly damped bass.
I never had the two together but if you like the Veritas amps, I suspect the NAT may actually go well with them.  The NAT is pricy so I recommend trying to hear them together before buying.