Napping while listening

I got this thing where I feel like need a nap so I lay on the floor where I am not to comfortable to fall dead asleep, turn on the rig and usually fire up radio paradise as they have a good eclectic stream. If a track has a good enough hook I can kinda hang and ride on it in this half in/out state. Really fun. Tonight ,Tomorrow Never Knows comes on. Wow , best ride yet, Ringo’s drums. I guess I never realized how he just keeps that same tom/snare beat going through the entire track without a fill or any change. Totally makes the track for me and so trippy hearing it in a dream like state.


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I retired early when I became financial free of all debt and able to make way more money retired than when working. Should have retired even earlier, you only live once, enjoy it.

if I wake up early and can’t go to sleep, I’ll turn on some tunes and there’s a good chance I fall back to sleep. Jazz and blues can do this. But listening to Dream Theater or other heavy music, I’m up for the duration. If both my wife and I are up trying to sleep, we will put on some Pink Floyd or Alan Parsons on our bedroom system to fall asleep.