Name a couple of HOLY GRAIL LPs

I have none for lack of experience. The best sound I ever heard was a Classic Records 45rpm version of Louis Armstrong singing St. James Infirmary.

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Here are a few of my favorites. Not only is the sound wonderful, but the music is as well.

Class of 55 - I got this album at a garage sale for 50 cents and it is wonderful. The sound is probably the best I've ever heard recorded. It was recorded at Sun Studios, and is Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, and Johnny Cash performing the best I've ever heard them.

Music for Bang, Baaroom and Harp - Dick Schory..interesting and super sound

Cat People - from the motion picture. This is an absolute killer. It was on Absolute Sounds HP list and it certainly belongs there. David Bowie, and Georgio Morodor.

Barry Lyndon - sound track.. Wonderful music recorded at the top of the cutting edge

Almost anything by Andreas Vollenweider and/or Dead Can Dance

The Judds... REALLY recorded open, full and deep. I use this one to test if my system is working as it should.