Name 3 songs where audio quality and song quality completely align

Lately I’ve found myself alternating between music I love (but sounds mediocre) and music I don’t know well or only like (but sounds incredible).

Occasionally, I stumble across a track where the song could both serve as a great show off piece for my gear and I love the music.

If you can, name up to 3 songs where the audio and song quality take you over the moon with pleasure.


Showing 2 responses by jji666

Thanks all for the great lists to check out!  I'll share:

---Lyle Lovett:  If I Had a Boat

---Radiohead:  Subterranean Homesick Alien

---Kraftwerk: Tour de France

I agree most Pink Floyd is well recorded but unfortunately not (IMHO) their best work, Animals. I still haven't popped in the recent remix  -still in package...