Naim Unitiserve Music server upgrade suggestion

I am currently using a pretty out (and outdated) Naim Unitiserve connecting to a Western Digital NAS.  I guess reading files from a NAS is not ideal as the signal pass through many long cables and noisy, non-audio based components.  I have a very good APL DAC, so essentially, I want a very simple but audiophile quality transport with local storage.  The transport needs to be able to read and send native DSD signal out to the DAC.  And of course, most importantly, I am looking for better sound.  It seems most products pack more than what I want/need into one product. Is there such a thing as a digital transport?

Does anyone have experience with Naim UnitiServe and upgraded to another unit like Lumin or Innuos?  How does the UnitiServe compared to newer units?  I am quite interested in the Innuos Zen Mini or Zen at this moment.  Not sure if the mini can give significant improvement over the UnitiServe, or I should go with the Zen.


Showing 1 response by audiotroy

we are a naim gealer we werre an innous dealer and import the 432evoservers from Belgium


the uuniti server is an okay device the Inous and 432evoservers are better


also Roon is sn amazing upgrade


please reach out to our shop formore information

another factor is many dacs sound bettertheough asynchronoususbthe unii servet is network oriented


the Innous zenith is where the real magic is  the zen is alot betterthen a mini


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj

Naim dealersand 432evo us importers