Naim UnitiServe - is it as good as a good CDP??

Hi all
I am interested in the Naim UnitiServe HDD version. It has 2 TB storage and is networkable, and has a built in CD drive for Ripping CDs to WAV files.

BUT, as always, and I have read quite a few reviews, it is not all plain sailing.
Aside from the dream convienience of all my library in one place at a click of a button, does the black box do what it is suppoed to do, i.e. is it audiophile, and does it realistically equal a good CDP.

I would use the Coax out to my Audio Note DAC, so not the analogue outputs from the Naim, only the 'pure' digital signal.

I am not a Naim fan either, more Audio Note. I use a CEC TL51 transport and an Audio Note 3.1 DAC.

I wonder if this all in one solution is better than the almost as cute MacMini using a USB to SPDiff convertor?

Showing 1 response by krellman7

I realize this is an older thread, but I'll. throw in my two cents. I have been using the latest Mac Mini with the i7 processor,the upgraded 1TB fusion drive, and Amarra software. Additionally, I have tried two aftermarket linear power supplies and also experimented with Pure Music Software. I'm using this in the context of an all Krell Evolution system (mono blocks, preamp, CD player with Cast Cables, and a pair of Martin Logan Summit X's. Results with the Mac Mini are somewhat of a mixed bag. My initial reaction was good and thought that everything was tonally neutral, however; I couldn't help but feel that something was missing! I was using a Bryston BDA-1 as my DAC and decided to try the Ayre QB-1. I can't say that this improved things, only that it sounded different. I guess I felt that the music didn't have the "life" or "musical phrasing" that I'm used to. I'm a musician and play piano and violin, so it left me feeling that things were just not complete. Piano music in particular sounded thin compared to what I normally hear. I decided I would try an off the shelf purpose built music server. I looked at Sooloos, Qsonix, Aurender, And Naim. I ultimately decided to go with the Naim Unitiserve. Now I had something to compare side by side! My first listen to the Naim was an eye opener! Music had the weight, dynamics, and musical phrasing that made sense to me. There was energy in the music that didn't exist with the MacMini. The piano had weight and structure and overtones that simply could not be heard with the Mac. Is it possible to get the Mac Mini correct? Maybe! There are too many variables involved depending on your choice of Mini, USB Cable, reclocking device, software, power supply etc. Only you can decide if you want to put forth the effort to do this much experimentation with all the combinations available! You may still have mixed results when all is said and done! Keep in mind that one of my Mac Mini, power supply, cable and Reclocking device combinations totaled $2800.00! Yes, the Naim Unitiserve is $3800.00! I get it! But at the end of the day I'm using the Unitiserve and have never looked back". I have more time to listen to music and don't have to think about wether I or not I have the right combination!