Naim or Jeff Rowland?

Hi, I'm looking to go down the full streaming path, ideally I don't want to spend more than £3,500, I've heard the Naim Super Uniti, which was pretty good. I've been offered a Jeff Rowland Concerto Integrated amp for £1,600 so one option would be to combine that with a Naim ND5 XS


ND5 XS / Nait XS

Or stick with the Naim Super uniti

I'm not massively familiar with Jeff rowland, but it seems to review well. I am running a pair of B&W 805's. Any thoughts on the above welcome. Thanks
Miami, for sake of completeness, Rowland is expected to release this month a new integrated amp to be called Continuum Series 2.... It is essentially the successor of... the successor of... the original Concerto integrated that you are looking at. 400W per channel into 8 Ohms doubling into 4 Ohms, and has an optional DAC card. List price is $9.850 US with the DAC card.


Since you call yourself Miami, I assume you live there. If thats the case, I know a really good dealer for Rowland, and another one for Naim. If you want, I can give you info on the 2 stores.
I agree keeping the DAC separate is a good idea, however this system will be used for entertaining as well as listening so having a DAC attached to a streaming server, with a sensible ipad interface seems to make sense for using iPods Etc

I almost bought the superuniti, it sounded good against the linn magik but then this JR came up and against the naim amps I'm sure it's in a different league. The problem with the one box is the upgrade path hence the ND5XS which might solve this problem.

I'll look at the Nad thanks
I finally had a chance to hear Rowland equipment with Avalon speakers. All I was thinking was, 'second mortgage?'.
If you want to keep it clean and all in one box then super uniti it is. Naim gear seems to get a lot of love hate where Rowland is more of a classic smooth hifi sound that's pretty hard not to like in some way. If you get the Rowland them you have to start looking for a DAC. Another option would be something like the NAD M2 at around the same price as the naim. If you know you like naim sound and your room amd speakers are good with its low ish power then its a good choice.

Personally I think I would rather keep my DAC and amp separate since you never know what improvements are around the corner as far as DACs are concerned and it seems foolish to add a DAC to a system with one built in. I say get the every best amp/pre/integrated you can its the heart and soul of a system.
Thanks for the responses, it is the integrated I've been offered. It's an older amp for sure compared to the new Naim's but higher quality.

The naim streamers/processors seem to do a good job with digital material and the iPad app is a good way of searching through all my music.

Is there anything else worth looking at to combine with the Rowland?

Miami, note that there are two identically-looking Rowland products called Concerto... There is the Concerto integrated, and then there is the Concerto preamplifier. The latter lacks the amplification section. Make sure you have been offered the full Concerto Integrated, and that its original remote control is included in the package.

Rowland and Naim sound very different from each other. I've owned components from both brands. I think Naim is very overrated and too expensive for what they give you. In my opinion, the Rowland would be a much better choice given your speakers. It's better equipped to deal with the tweeters on the 805's. I know first hand. The same tweeters with in my 802's.
Miami, if you want to familiarize yourself with the Rowland Concerto integrated, the Rowland online Knowledge Base has an entry with links to Concerto specifications, User Manual, and photos:

One interesting feature of the 250W Concerto appears to be that it can be used as a full integrated amp as well as just as a linestage/preamplifier, because it has also two preamplified outputs for used with a user-supplied amp... You will find all of this described in the manual.

Note that unlike its Continuum 250 successor, the Concerto integrated is not listed as compatible with the external Rowland PC-1 rectifier, which is based on an active power factor conversion module.