Naim Dac or power supply?

This may have already surfaced, so forgive me if I haven't come across it yet.

I have purchased the Naim CDX2-2 and got the bug to go the Naim upgrade route.

My question to those who have gone before me is this, which investemnt yields the biggest reward- the Naim Dac or the XPS2 when added to my CDX2-2?
Please don't say both, I can only afford one at the moment.

I should add that upgraded power cord and fuse is in the works already.
Guess I'm not a real flat earther.

Showing 1 response by stanwal

A third path might be to look at the Teddy Pardo power supplies. I just ordered a TeddySuperCap for my Naim SuperLine. MUCH cheaper than the Naim unit; it has been shipped but not here yet. Path no. 4 is to buy a Metrum Octave DAC; I have one and it is great.