Naim Dac or power supply?

This may have already surfaced, so forgive me if I haven't come across it yet.

I have purchased the Naim CDX2-2 and got the bug to go the Naim upgrade route.

My question to those who have gone before me is this, which investemnt yields the biggest reward- the Naim Dac or the XPS2 when added to my CDX2-2?
Please don't say both, I can only afford one at the moment.

I should add that upgraded power cord and fuse is in the works already.
Guess I'm not a real flat earther.

Showing 3 responses by lacee

Thanks to all who responded.

I am more inclined now to go for the XPS or similar UPS.

When it comes to making an improvement to the already good sounding CDX2-2,the Naim XPS is a bit pricey and hard to swallow.
Is the power stage in the CDX2-2 really that bad?
Not to my ears, so to really feel alright about the move I would need an audition of an XPS to justify it's cost,which is almost that of the cdx2-2.

If I were technically inclined, I would think that there must be someway to use the built in power supply and augment it with a less elaborate add on one.

In other words,why disable it altogether and render it useless ?

Why can't it be implimented and work alongside the added power stage ?

To me this would make more sense, and should be less costly.

It could be implimented in a quasi balanced power supply, the original PS running the left and the added on PS(made to match the ps of the cdx2-2)to run the right side.

If Naim could bring out something like this and price it at less than half the cost of a CDX2, then I believe it would sell quite well.

Perhaps a word or two to Naim from some of us could put the ball in motion?

Well faith does have a lot to do with it, but real hands on experiences hold more water for me.

People can speculate about things that can or can't work, I've had my share of those battles, so they're not news to me.
But I do have more "faith" in the posts from the folks who have actually used,or bought the items in question.

I have no doubt that both the Naim XPS2 or the Teddy Pardo unit would be a welcome addition to my Naim CDX2-2.

Do I find that my new CDx2-2 is performing less than satis

No, I am quite happy with it, the longer I play it the smoother it is sounding, or I'm becoming more used to it's sound,I replaced an old first version Audio Aero Cap 24/192, which was a very analog sounding player, but didn't have the speed or snap that the Naim has.

From what I've gathered, an upgraded power supply should bring a bit more smootheness back to the sound but keep the speed intact, so that's a win win for me.

Naim also has the new less expensive XP5 XS, about which not much, other than a small review in HFN, is known about it.

Where faith comes into play is how well you will be treated after you purchase the unit.

So this takes us into new territory.

Does anyone have any after purchase service stories they would like to share?
I suppose I could talk myself out of it and tell myself it won't be that much better, or I could talk myself into thinking it will be that much better.

Easy to do either,what's hard is to talk yourself into thinking it's better after you buy it if there's not that great of an improvement.

Lots of folks do that also.

I just bought a Shunyata Annaconda Helix VX power cord for the player and I don't have to think if there's an improvement,it's quite apparant that there is.

So the next step is an improved power supply, which will take full advantage of the VX cord, or not?

Could the Pardo PS for example, be too smoothed out with the VX power cord?

Too much of a good thing?

Anyone have any experience with such a pairing?

No one said this would be easy, except for the folks who run straight out of the box and into the wall.

But I want more than that.