
I’ve never heard a Naim amp but would like to. The 500DR amp is only 140 watts a channel and costs 35k!! Also it only weighs 50lbs? What the hell could be in this thing that would make it worth a quarter of that? Also they pride themselves on using what sounds good not what’s necessarily expensive. No fancy casework no bling. So I don’t think there is anything special in there component wise, I could be wrong. This thing costs 700 bucks a lb?? Don’t hear much about naim separates on here what ye all say??


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The good folks at Hawthorne Stereo in Seattle use Naim in their listening room.

I always felt this retailer did things very right. Last month I was in listening to the

KLH Model 5s powered by the Naim? $10k unit. Something gave those speakers

a sound stage wider than I have ever heard-short of a demo of Linkwitz gear

powered five ways.

I wish there was a way for consumers to read stats to see what the real current delivery is in a given amp. Impossible?