I bought a Nagra VPS recently kinda broke even on it when upgrading to Maxx 2's. (swapped for my BAT VKP10SE superpak which is very good) "tapping my toes" was exactly what I was doing and am doing ever since.
Hevac1 said it perfectly "...treated the instruments with equal emphasis also but gave more energy to instruments when needed. There was more punch and excitement, depth and lower bass was better"
The VPS has a tonally correct sonic signature and feels like live un amplified music quality that is just "right" for me and my system.
Hevac1 said it perfectly "...treated the instruments with equal emphasis also but gave more energy to instruments when needed. There was more punch and excitement, depth and lower bass was better"
The VPS has a tonally correct sonic signature and feels like live un amplified music quality that is just "right" for me and my system.