Nagra electronics with Proac D40r

Hello all! 

First time poster, but long long LONG time follower at the forums... Thank you all for the breadth of your knowledge! 

Recently I have come across the opportunity to buy a demo Nagra Pl-l preamp paired with the vpa monoblocks.  

I'm worried about the ability to drive my d40R's (nominal impedance 4 ohms), especially in terms of the bass. 

Room is about 14'x18' . And to some extent I would have to get them sight unseen. Seller commits to take them back if there is some defect, but no synergy between components is not really a defect, hence my asking here... 

What are people's opinions on the Nagra's ability to drive the proacs?

Thanks in advance for your response! 

I own Proac D-40r speakers and based on my experience I think the Nagra amps would work with the Proac speakers, but would not drive them to high volume. I had Quicksilver V-4 amps and while great did not have the bass grip I wanted. If you listen at moderate volume they should sound great. If you want to play a lot of rock and symphonic music at fairly high volume levels, they may not be the perfect choice. That said I have not heard the Nagra amps so take my comments on power and tube amps in general as my opinions and best guess.
Jperry, Thank you for taking the time out to respond. 

The sound levels that I listen to are about 90 dB at my listening position about 16 ft away. Rock and jazz. So those are not crazy levels but loud. 

Currently I'm running the classe dr 25 on them and the volume knob can not be pushed beyond 10 o clock. 

My fear is that, though I'm convinced of the details, separation and perhaps even spaciousness, I don't want to end up with a thin sounding system. 

Other inputs are appreciated.  


The D40R sensitivity is rated at 90db & a drive recommendation of 10W - 250W so you should be ok at moderate levels with the VPA but as jperry mentioned, if you want to crank it with rock I would consider something else.
Have you got alternatives that you're considering? 
Can someone clarify what does it mean by recommended power and Ohms.
Some loudspeakers indicate 4 ohms and recommended power is 50-180W. But others indicate 8 ohms 80-250W. Which loudspeaker is more sensitive? Most Audio Physic and Dynaudio are 4 ohms. Somc ProAcs are 8 ohms, while others are 4 ohms. How do they come up with this number?