NAD T765 Audyssey microphone

Hi guys,

The manual of T765 says "setup speakers using Audyssey microphone", however there is no Audyssey microphone included in the accessories.

1-Who had NAD AVR and can tell if normally the Audyssey microphone is included in the original accessories or not?

2-What is the model number of the Audyssey microphone that can be used with the NAD T765?

Thanks for your help.
Here's a link to an article you may find useful.
Yes the Audyssey microphone should be included. Did you buy it new or refurbished? If so, contact the seller and inquire. If no luck there, contact NAD.

Its supposed to come with the receiver. If you call NAD, they'll probably just send you one. They're not expensive.

You can also do the setup using an spl meter. It takes a little longer, but I think you get better results.