NAD T747 OR Marantz SR7005

I'm looking at a 7.1 surround w/Gallo A'diva's satellite speakers (87db, 8ohm nominal) and I'm in need of a receiver. At this point, I probably won't use the receiver for 3D or video switching, and plan on purchasing one of the new Oppo's for Blu Ray.

I was also considering the Integra 9.9 b-stock for sale on this site, or one of the newer Integra avr's that recently hit the market.

The simplicity of the NAD is very appealing; the Marantz would be future-proof should I need it; and the Integra has a great rep, as do the other two co's.

I was wondering if anyone has thoughts or opinions on the two receivers mentioned in the title? Or on the Integra?

Thank You

Showing 1 response by cerrot

Agree-NAD. Different league although a good anthem is in that league. I love my NAD T775 - blew away the pioneer elite 92THX before it and the Rotel separates prior to that.