NAD Monitor Series: opinions

Taking inspiration from the recent thread about experience with McIntosh audio gear, I'd like members' opinions of the "Monitor Series" line of early (1990s) NAD components, especially the 2600 power amplifier, the 1300 preamp, and the 7600 receiver. Same categories, more or less: Sound Quality (including "sonic profile": warm or analytical or neutral or...); Build Quality; Durability. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by bojack

My primary preamp/tuner for 10 years was the Monitor 1600, which contains the preamp section from the 1300 and 7600. The 1300 is a superb sounding unit overall: neutral, dead quiet, flexible controls, and nonfatiguing. Just beware that these were made somewhere between late 80s and early 90s, so caps need checking. The 2600 is known for output relays going bad, but it's good sounding. I would have those replaced and have the caps checked as well.