NAD C658 With Tube Power Amp?

I am re-engineering my sound system from a music-only 2.0 system to a "home theater 2.0" system. I would like to find a preamp that takes coax, optical, and HDMI digital inputs, and output to a tube power amp.

I have read mixed reviews of the NAD C658. Some buyers seemed really happy with their purchase, and others thought it was too "hard" or "clinical" sounding. I have a strong preference for a tube or tube-like sound.

Currently, I have a Rogue Audio Pharaoh integrated, and am thinking of pairing the NAD C658 with either a Mystere PA-21, PrimaLuna Prologue Premium, or LSA VT-150. My speakers are the ELAC Carina FS247.4 towers.

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Showing 1 response by toro3

I have the C658 matched with a tube amp. Maybe the first six months I would say it sounded a little too clinical for my liking. Nowadays, I would say it leans very slightly warm, but definitely not tube-like. DIRAC full license is a game changer to some - just wasn't to my liking, though. Been running this unit without DIRAC for the past year to year and a half without DIRAC. It seems like it'd be a solid unit for your purpose, but too many under utilized features for my purpose.