NAD 7020 Classic Receiver

I am suddenly getting distortion inthe left channel on this unit(used in bedroom system) and would like to know where I could get the unit repaired in the greater NYC area(reasonably of course). Also, should I try something simple like replacing a fuse? Any help appreciated thanks, Audio 44
Problem was in volume pot and appears to be solved. For test purposes I connected it to a pair of old Spica TC-50's I have laying around and this combo sounded wounderful for acoustic music. I was not aware that the 7020 could drive a decent 4 ohm load. To me this little amp is still the best NAD product ever made. Thank you for your responses. Audio 44
Audio 44:

So the big decision is whether you want to futz with the unit itself or give it over to a repairman and have him take of it. If you decide that the unit requires servicing or more than likely a good cleaning and you need to send it out, try The Soundsmith in Peekskill (Metro North stops there). I used them to rehap a vintage Marantz unit and they did a nice job. Another place to consider is Music Technology . They are located in the DC area, which would require packing up your unit and sending it to them, but they are absolutely first class and not that expensive. I live in Queens and did not know of any good repairmen (other than my dad, who ran Chief Radio in Brooklyn for 40 years).

Regards, Rich
Are you sure it's the NAD? Swap speakers to check and make sure it's not one of them. The make sure all the cables are properly connected, maybe one is loose. Also, make sure it's not a input cable from what ever source your listening to.

Does it change with the volume control? Could be a noisy pot. If so, unplug it, and saturate the volume control with Caig Deoxit, move the control around several times.

I'm sure there is more to check...doesn't sound like a fuse though...