N.P.I. What is it?

Listen to your MONO recordings with all channels off except for one and tell me what you hear. No Phantom Image.

Try it, it's right for the format.

B.T.W. In my previous thread MC told me I was so ignorant he could write a whole book about it. His problem was he didn't know where to start!!

Back on topic, I am enjoying "Essential Delta Blues" a compilation on Not New Music (2009). And damn if polarity doesn't make a difference - but a switch every other track? I guess it's eglitarian. I like the boost from the corner speaker (R in my case).

N.P.I. Give it a try and report here.





Showing 1 response by tablejockey

I have always preferred the mono presentation.

Particularly more convincing compared to stereo recordings that mix vocals on one channel and instruments on other. Prevalent on older releases, which the majority of my listening comprises of.

Listening to a mono recording with just one speaker just makes me wish the speaker was in the center of the room. I tried this years ago.

Other than not hearing certain recordings with particular L/R panning effects I could live without "stereo."

One major negative- having a single speaker in the middle of the room looks odd.

All Classical, Jazz and most Rock in mono would be ideal IMO.

Hearing a mono recording from 2 speakers compared to just one in the middle of the room produces a fuller, more realistic sound to my ears. It is also the "parlor trick" of making your speakers "disappear."