Mytek Brooklyn

Just a quick question for anyone that may have some information pertaining to "MYTEK", I sent in my DAC for repair, and haven't heard from anyone at any time , Except for the, manufacture in Poland, who's been very helpful in trying to facilitate any communication with the Brooklyn New York office, but it seems they have not even returned his messages as well. My DAC equipment went to the Brooklyn NY office. Does anyone know if they're still in business? I haven't received a phone call, or a text message or any communication that I advanced. Absolutely radio silence.  Are they still in business?  I have even written emails with respect to please return my equipment as it is, and still have not received any communication via telephone, text message and or email. Does anyone know if they're still in business
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Showing 1 response by ejr1953

I met Michal at the Capital Audiofest in November, very nice guy, very knowledgeable.

I suspect that Mytek is a very small company.  Certainly no excuse for poor service after the sale.  I would be very surprised that they suddenly closed down the business, as I think their equipment continues to sell well.

I hope this doesn't mean they've had some sort of family crisis, taking them away from their business.