My wife is so uncool!

My soon to be exwife was such a loser she refused to aknowledge the existence of imaging and soundstage just to be a wench. (My friends did). She kept saying "NO" with an attitude and pointed to the speaker saying "it came from there". And she kept bugging me to move my system to another room. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I should have never tried to share my hobby with her. Now she's pregnant with some guys baby and butt poor. HEH HEH. Good riddens. So come on guys lets here your stories she won't see this. And we won't tell her we're all buddies here. You know you want to.

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My ex used to wait until the best part of the tune came on, like the guitar crescendo on meddle or the drum bit at the end of abbey road and then scream at me from the bottom of the stairs that led my listening room hideway. Needless to say, she killed the moment. Btw, she took all the "B" units with her when we split. It was "her stereo" lol.
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