My Thoughts re: Dealers Posting on Audiogon

I originally posted this in a thread in the Speakers forum.  It's more appropriate here:

As a former audio dealer and long time Audiogon member who has walked the tightrope I will say that, while I do not have a problem with dealers posting on Audiogon, I do feel that there are some basic rules that should be observed, both by the dealer and by everyone else:

For dealers:
1- Clearly announce that you are a dealer
2- Try to be helpful, objective and educational
3- Understand that an Audiogon forum IS NOT a sales venue
4- If you mention or recommend on of your products, mention again that you are a dealer for this product so that it's clearly understood that you have a finalcial interest in your recommendation
5- Don't trash the competition or other brands

For Audiogon members:
6- Don't complain about dealers posting in Audiogon forums. They are A'gon members like anyone else. If you don't want to read dealer posts them just don't read them
7- Just because a dealer makes a recommendation in which he/she has a financial interest does not automatically make it a bad recommendation. If the dealer comment is in the spirit of the discussion and or answers a question then it's probably appropriate, IMO
8- Dealers, well *many* dealers, have a lot of experience that most just audiophiles do not have. If a dealer is posting to be helpful to the group and not just trying to sell stuff then take advantage of that experience. Their answers to your questions will guide you as to whether they are interested in being helpful members of the Audiogon community or just pushing gear.

I hope that this is helpful guidance. Just my opinions...

Showing 10 responses by br3098

ebm, Thanks (I think), although I admit that I'm not sure what you are trying to say it sounds vaguely supportive.
But IMHO, all dealers should be banned from the forums.
viridian, why is that?

I understand and I respect your opinion.  I simply listed my suggestions for user guidelines that I thought were ethical and made common sense.
It’s impossible, for me, to discern where the commercial interests start and the sage advice ends.
viridian, I understand your concern but I thing that banning all dealers is a bit of an overreaction.  Sure, some dealers cross the line.  So so some hobbyists a la "buy the same speakers I own.  I've never listened to anything else but they're the best in the world!"  So who gets to decide what is good advise and what's not?  I say that each one of us does.  As I said in my post, if a dealer clearly identifies him/her self (I'm still waiting to meet the her) then you can decide to read the comment or not.  Isn't that better than an outright ban?

If a dealer posts without identifying themselves as such that's another matter and probably warrants action from the forum moderators.  Again, all in my opinion.
1 were you an honest dealer or only pushed your products
2 why did you decide to carry one brand over another were you trying to offer the best products you heard or something else
3 do you value any dealers opinions
1. I think so. I did it differently - I only posted advise on Audiogon that included recommendations for gear I sold under my dealer handle.  At that time I avoided mentioning any products I sold from my personal handle.

2. This is a complicated question that is outside the scope of this topic and one I can't fully succinctly.  Let me say in short that selecting brands to represent are not just a matter of what I like or know.  It's a delicate balancing act between what I think my customers will want (or that I can make them want), finding products that are under represented in my market and economics.  What products, for a variety of reasons, will make my business successful and which won't.

3. Sure.  Why would I value a dealer's opinion less than an audiophile?  Both sets have great ideas, opinions and experience and both have great potential to cross the line and provide tainted or valueless information.

OK, so you're coming at this topic as an ex-dealer yourself??
@twolefttears, I clearly identified myself as a FORMER dealer in the first sentence of the opening post.

Are you asking me if I am biased?  I don't think so.  And what constitutes bias, exactly - that, as a FORMER dealer I made suggestions for full disclosure and fair conversation on these forums?

IMO an unhelpful, uneducated or clearly biased comment is equal whether it came from a dealer or from an audiophile.  Isn't blanket vilification one set of participants biased and prejudicial?

I don’t recall anyone asking you for your opinion, Elizabeth.
Isn't this exactly the forum attitude Elizabeth was commenting on?

I'm not a moderator but as far as I'm concerned anyone should be able to comment on any audio topic at any time.  The day I'm told I need to wait to be asked for my opinion is the day I'm Audiogon gone

Folks, Audiogon has seen fit to remove a couple of posts.  Say what you want but please keep it civil.  We all want to read what you have to say.

Obviously Elizabeth is a dealer for Pangea (power cords only).  Now you know.  😊