My Sony DVP-9000es is sick, please help

I've had this player for a year or so and it has worked flawlessly until this evening. It had been powered up all day and worked fine this morning but when I popped in a cd a few minutes ago it wouldn't play. The play light came on but the display read "ERROR." Tried a different cd, same result. Then I tried a SACD, stil no play.
It seems to be confused or simply not reading discs. Anybody know if this thing has a RAM clear type function? Any other ideas? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ncarv

You could try unplugging it for a couple of minutes to see if it resets. If not:

I just had a problem with mine -- won't play DVD's or recognize SACD layer on hybrids. As per advice from audiogon member Dbphd, I went to the Sony website,

and set up to send to their service center for repair at a flat $133, including return shipping. It is scheduled to arrive there tomorrow.
Dbphd said he had his back in two weeks.