My Oppo 105 finally bricked. Streamer suggestions?

Hey all,

Well, my vaunted 105 now won’t connect to Tidal through the app no matter what troubleshooting I do, and since my listening is 40% vinyl, 50% streaming, and 10% cd, I’m losing out on a lot of music. I’d like to keep the Oppo as a the occasional transport but need something to stream Tidal.

I can still connect via HDMI to to the Oppo from my phone or laptop, but the sound is terrible. 

My digital system:

Ragnarok 2 integrated

Denafrips Ares 2 DAC/Schiit Gungnir (currently comparing them side-by-side)

Reference 3A de Capos

Oppo 105 (still can be used as a transport and blu-ray)


Suggestions for a streamer that would work well with the Denafrips? Budget under $1K.

Thank you,




Showing 3 responses by soix

They do say on their site that they would continue to support their products, so mad kudos to them.

I heard that too, which is why I even bothered to try to contact them.  I was still very pleasantly surprised when I got a thorough and accurate answer to my question from an obviously knowledgeable person in a day.  Hell, that’s better service than most audio companies still selling equipment IME.  Amazing really. 

A year or so ago I had a question regarding my very old 103, that’s still working BTW, and I was shocked that Oppo was still providing support on these products.  I’m not sure but I think I contacted them through their Oppo India site and pretty promptly got a helpful response so might be worth a shot.

The new Innuos Pulse Mini is a little over your price target but well worth exploring.  Their Sense app is excellent and always being improved, and their customer service is also excellent if ever needed.  Best of luck.