My Next Miles Davis Disc?

Hi all,

Help me out here -

I am a fan of general ambient type music. I have 4 Miles Davis recordings now and would like to add to that. I absolutely love 'Kind Of Blue' and 'In A Silent Way', yet am not so hot on 'Sketches of Spain' and 'Birth of the Cool'. So then, in that light, which Miles recording should be next in my collection? In other words, what is the next closest in style to Kind of Blue and In A Silent Way ?



Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

My favourite album is "Siesta" which is sort-of derivative of Sketches but with more colours. Tutu, Decoy and Do-Bop are funky electronic albums that are very interesting as well. The greatest masterpiece in his life I think is "Aura".
I believe that Miles is unique in all his pile of albums and never repeated himself or anyone. He had a talent to translate anything from Mind to Music with his trumpet and that's where his uniqueness to all other musicians and composers stays.
There are "Miles and Miles and Miles of Miles Davis" to discover!

The quoted phrase belongs to Malcolm McLaren in his most brilliant album "Paris"