My last pre-amp, Rowland Capri or Ayre K5xe ?

I use an OPPO Blu Ray BDP83 SE player as my source, Vandersteen 3's, amps are Reference 9 Monos, all cabling by Transparent. Any thoughts/opinions are welcomed. Biased opinions show passion and are also welcomed. I am replacing an older Pass Labs X-2.5. Thank you!

Showing 1 response by tmsorosk

Well then here's a biased opinion , I haven't heard an Ayre component I didn't like . I bought Ayre's KX-R preamp after owning ARC's Ref 3 and Levinson's #320s and could not be happier . I doubt it's the last preamp I'll buy , but I won't be parting with it anytime soon . Good luck in your search .