My last audio purchase?

I just purchased a Benchmark DAC 3 DX (w/remote), and as long as no equipment (or myself) dies, I should be good until my life-plug gets pulled. Music sure sounds good these days though!

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Showing 5 responses by islandmandan

Hello Jafant, I loved the Arcam player, it really had great sound quality. Unfortunately, it finally bit the dust, which is why I bought the Oppo 203. Universal players are a bit hard to come by anymore, so that's why I bought the Oppo. With the new power supply I put in it, it's been a fine player. The Esoteric still sounds good, but it will not play multi-channel these days, so I'm very glad to have the Oppo.

Happy listening to you as well!



Several recent purchases have made things much better for me, Townshend Iso Pods, Herron Preamp, and now the new Benchmark DAC 3 DX.

After nearly fifty years in this hobby, a lot of equipment has had to be replaced, so I'm hoping to just enjoy what I have for as long as possible.

Regards, and enjoy,


This old blue-collared music lover was second bass in high school and the little college I had. My college music professor told me I could be dangerous if my musicianship ever caught up with my voice.  Crazy me, I wound up getting into drag racing, girls, and other silly stuff I managed to live through. Should have stayed in school, but life is still good, music make it even better.

My music system is what I've always hoped it could be, it, and my music, makes life very enjoyable.



My new DAC was supposed to be here yesterday. Now, the next day, still not here. Tomorrow, Holiday.

Maybe Tuesday?