My ICs are short…..duh!

I am sure many of us have been in this situation. Lol.  After rearranging my rig, the ICs between the amp and pre are short.  Sh^t!  Should have measure twice. Lol again.  But I really like the new arrangement and would like to keep it.

These are 2 meter balanced Cardas Golden Reference ICs.

What do you think about joining two ICs together, a 1 meter to the 2 meter Golden Reference, to create the needed length?  

Using this configuration now.  But it is too soon to determine if this will affect quality over the long run.

What, if any, are you experiences with using similar ICs in series?




Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Using this configuration now. But it is too soon to determine if this will affect quality over the long run.

Uh, what? It is what it is. It's not gonna get worse over time.